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Heritage Breed Pork Facts

  • Heritage breed pork is pork from a traditional breed of pigs. 

  •  A heritage breed is a breed that has been established over many generations from a specific area.

  • This means the heritage breed will have specific traits that it has been selected for to suit the conditions of the area it is from. No antibiotic. No hormones. Humanly raised. 


  • Berkshire pork has a naturally smokey sweet flavor and is prized for its evenly distributed, mild-flavored, well-marbled fat. It is a relatively rare, highly protected pedigree breed.

  • Duroc pork is known for its incredible juiciness and relatively mild flavor, especially compared to the bold flavor of many heritage hog breeds. The pigs are a distinctive red color and have what can only be described as adorable droopy ears. It is the second most common breed in the U.S.

Traditional Heritage Pig Breeds

  • Berkshire

  • Yorkshire

  • Duroc

  • Hampshire

  • Poland China

  • Spotted

  • Landrace

  • Chester White

Heritage Breed Pork Facts: List
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